Sunday 22 May 2011


Mum: Abg mie nk kawen pas raye
Me: Ok
Mum. Along ustat tu mnggu dpn
Me: Ok
Mum: Kak murni nk tunang weekend ni. (The list goes on and on..)
Me: Ramainyerrrr. Nak kawen la. Tunang la.
Abah: Nape? Jealous?? Tunggu 3 tahun lg.
Me: Ewwww. Nape lak.
Mum: Belajar dulu. Sok nak exam tu. (Sambil ketawa)

Errr. I don't know what has gotten into both of my parents. Since when I want to marry at this very young age. I am not even 21! (ceh)

"Why want to get married so early? Why on earth want to settle down so fast? Do you really want to stay at home all the time? Cook for one guy until you die??" said a friend of mine. Haha! No comment about this.

Ok. I actually want to write about my parents. I don't know why the hell, suddenly I feel kinda homesick after talking to my parents. Since I was a little girl, I had used to be away from my parents. I don't feel homesick very often. Well, yah. I have to admit now. I MISS MY PARENTS. I MISS HOME. I MISS MY FAMILY. =(

But yeah. I won't go back home. I won't go back to Malaysia at least this year. And now. I have my own reasons. I don't want any chance to run into that someone. Though it is quite impossible to run into someone especially when I always stay at home. 

zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Ok. Enough.

Really hope I will do well for my exam tomorrow.
Hot yet brilliant Cady from Mean Girls.

Hoping to be like Cady. No need to study. Just imagine particular lesson she attended but didn't really pay attention. Yet, can still remember what the teacher has said. Awesome! (Haha. In your dream!! #Faceplam#)


P/s; My abang mie is a playboy. Everytime I see him, his desktop keeps changing with pictures of hot and pretty girls. When we were small, we always played together when I went back to my mum's hometown. And During Eid celebration, he was the one who taught my siblings and I to light fire crackers and all. (Though our parents banned fire crackers at home). So not expecting the news that he is finally settling down. Haha
P/p/s: My kak murni is my very shy cousin who is super duper brilliant. She is a doctor. It is a surprise to hear she is getting married because I never heard anything about her boyfriend.

OK! Back to work!

till then,

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