Saturday 19 March 2011

distracting yourself...

Yah.. I am good at it. One of the very few things I am good at... And one of the best ways is to watch movies.. So here I am again becoming unpaid promoter for those movies..

I watched Pocahontas.. Yah.. I know its waaaaayyy old.. But hey.. I am in the mood of watching cartoon today..
 Typical Disney movie.. You can guess how it ends the minute the movie starts.. Yah.. I am in the mood of happy ending story today.. Its a good movie though.. Very humorous.. But too bad.. I haven't watched the the sequel..

So here is my veeerrryyy short synopsis of Pocahontas..

Pocahontas is the daughter of a this Red Indian chief tribe and is pledged to be married to the tribe warrior (a very serious, tough, don't-how-to-smile type of guy) Pocahontas however knows in her heart that marrying some tough-looking guy is just not her "path." Yah.. They really into this "path" and "follow the wind" stuff.. And then come this group of lads from London, calling the Red Indian tribe as savages. They almost fight one another to death. But Pocahontas falls in love with a guy called John Smith. And their "love" save the day..

Ok.. I'm not really good at expressing things in words.. Often it goes wrong.. So here's the trailer..

Haha... It was in cinema waaaayyy back in 1995.. I was still a kid back there.. Hey.. I didnt get the chance to watch this in cinema when I was a kid.. OK.. Stop that crap..

Then I watch this awesome THIS>>
It's B.R.I.L.L.I.A.N.T !

"No matter what happened, I was always the last chosen, the odd one out, the black sheep... the bad boy. Was this my destiny?... Wait. Maybe it WAS! Being bad is the one thing I'm good at! Then it hit me: if I was the bad boy, then I was going to be the baddest boy of them ALL!"
 Haha.. The bad guy becomes the coolest guy in town.. Don't judge a book by it's cover though.. And don't judge a guy by his giant blue head.. He's smart and all.. But he can be stupid and cute at the same time.. Definitely a must watch movie..

till then..

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