err. Actually I am not that busy. Well, I am SUPPOSED to be busy. With all the assignments to be due in few more weeks. Have to admit that I
USED TO do last minute works. Namun, saya telah berazam utk berubah. Ya, saya mahu berubah. Jgn diperlekehkan azam saya ok! (semangat mesti ada! =p)
me1: apa lagi tunggu. Sila start buat your assignment
me2: malam ni I tak de mood lah.
me1: Abes tu bile lah you nak ade mood??
me2: OK2. Tomorrow I promise! Kita wat keje ea. Tak nak last minute lagi! (dengan penuh keyakinan)
me1: Iyelah tu. (Bosanlah dengan die ni. Mengade-ngade. Kejap nk berubah. Lepas tu bertangguh lagi. Eh, ini monolog dalaman. Terasa sendiri akhirnya)
Moral of the story:
~ ~ Procrastination is the thief of time!
Mong Ryong ini pon boleh berubah..
Dari gangster boleh jadi district attorney bila besa.
errr.. Sejak bila aku tengok korean drama? Di zaman muda mudi, join kawan2 yang kipas-susah-mati korean+japanese movies n dramas. Abaikan cerita lama. Sekarang? Sudah jemu dengan cerita cinta. We are not living fairy tales. There is no happily-ever-after ending. Wake up peeps! (kenapa aku emosi?? xtaw. Tidak! I'm not having PMS!)
How the hell do I get here? Crapping dan beremosi? Stress barangkali.
till then~
slh stu punca stress: nikita+90210+gossip girl+vampire diaries, xkua episode bru until april..Geram!
mong ryong is the hero of "sassy girl: chun hyang." one of the korean drama series that I errr
enjoyed couldnt get enough of watched.